Thursday, October 9, 2008

latest obsession

I don't know what it is about them, but I'm obsessed with Jon & Kate plus 8. I come home and have to watch at least one episode everyday (I'm currently DVR-ing both the new and old episodes). I love little kids when they are that age where they are old enough to know how to play with you but still young enough that they want to play with you. I remember when Tina was that age. I always had so much fun with her. And now Hannah is that age, and I wish I had the time to go play with her more often. It almost makes me want to have kids of my own... but then the kids on TV start hitting and screaming and I am brought right back down to reality and I remember my how much both Tina and Hannah cried as babies when mommy wasn't around. And then I turn off the TV and am able to enjoy the peace and quiet that is our home.

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